Climb to the top of the mountain while avoiding the snowballs falling on you !

Who placed all those ladders on the mountain ? Why are the snowballs coming from the sky ? The answers to these questions is not included in the game but I hope you will have fun anyway !


  • ZS/WS/Up and down arrows to climb up/down a ladder
  • QD/AD/Left and right arrows to jump laterally to a ladder left or right to you (works only if a ladder is close enough)

A new game for the Trijam #282 with the theme "Climbing to the top" in 3 hours. I had this minigame idea written in my games idea notes and remembered it immediatly when seeing the theme, I'm glad I could make it ! Please comment and tell me if you enjoyed it/ think of some things to improve the game.

Known issue: When you retry after the first time, it's possible that the character think a snowball hit before even starting to move, I have no idea why and couldn't find before the time was up.

The engine used is Godot Engine and I made the sprites myself with Aseprite during the game jam. The sound effects come from The music is from someone I know who doesn't want credit.

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